
Lassen Sie sich von uns Ihr persönliches “Serum-System” erstellen. Füllen Sie Ihr Hautprofil aus, und wir schlagen Ihnen die besten Produkte für Ihren Hauttyp und Ihre Hautbedürfnisse vor.


FETTIGE HAUT Oily skin produces more sebum and can result in too much shine and larger pore. Oily skin is is more prone to breakouts, spots and blemishes

MISCHHAUT Combination Skin is characterised by an oily T-zone (forehead, nose and chin), with impurities and enlarged pores, while the cheeks feel drier, and are often more sensitive.

NORMALE HAUT Normal skin is well balanced, not too oily and not too dry. Pores are fine and generally clear of congestion.

TROCKENE HAUT Dry skin produces less oil and can causing skin to feel tight, dry, rough and itchy. It is more prone to redness and sensitivity than other skin types. Dry skin lacks elasticity and so lines and wrinkles are more visible.

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