Opening Act

Original price was: CHF125.00.Current price is: CHF62.50. ink. steuern

Peeling-Serum für die Nacht


Opening Act ist ein preisgekröntes Peeling-Serum und der wichtige erste Schritt jedes seriösen Hautpflege-Systems. Es lässt alle anderen Pflegeprodukte tiefer in die Haut eindringen und unterstützt deren Wirksamkeit.

Das Serum ist reich an natürlichen hauterneuernden Wirkstoffen, kraftvoll und doch mild. Es wirkt während des Schlafs, um abgestorbene Hautzellen und Zellrückstände zu entfernen. Sie wachen mit einem strahlenderem und jugendlicherem Glanz auf.

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Artikelnummer: ELX1001 Kategorien: , , , Eigenschaften: , , , , , , , , , ,
  • Kraftvolles Peeling und hauterneuernde Wirkung
  • Erhellt und gleicht den Tonus der Haut aus
  • Verfeinert die Poren
  • Reduziert Aknenarben
  • Reguliert überschüssige Talgproduktion
  • Reduziert Pigmentierungen und Schäden durch UV-Licht
  • Normalisiert das Mikrobiom der Haut
  • Optimiert die Zellregeneration

Für empfindliche/sensible Haut: 1-3 wöchentlich anwenden
Für alle anderen Hauttypen: bis zu 4-mal wöchentlich anwenden
Für die Anwendung als Intensiv-Kur: 2 Wochen lang täglich anwenden
“Auf die Haut auftragen und über Nacht einwirken lassen. Alleine oder unter Ihrer
gewohnten Nachtpflege oder begleitendes Elixseri Serum anwenden. “

SWISS ALPINE CRYSTALLISED LIGHT WATER Eine patentierte Innovation und wissenschaftlich erwiesen, dass es Entzündungen reduziert, das Mikrobiom der Haut ausgleicht, die Kollagenstruktur erhält und die Zellregeneration fördert.

EDELWEIß MERISTEM KONZENTRAT (Leontopodium Alpinum) Eines der kraftvollsten Antioxidantien – dreimal stärker als Vitamin C. Es schützt vor jeglichen Irritationen, die durch Exfoliation hervorgerufen werden können.

PREBIOTISCHES TROPISCHES PAPAYA FERMENT (Carica Papaya Linn) Erneuert und befreit die Haut nachweislich von abgestorbenen Hautzellen und fördert die Hautregeneration. Es normalisiert das Mikrobiom der Haut, glättet und hellt den Teint auf.

PREBIOTISCHES TROPISCHES NONI FERMENT (Morinda Citrifolia Linn) Noni verleiht der Haut einen ebenmäßigen Teint, verbessert die Hautelastizität, verringert Rötungen und baut die Lipid-Barriere der Haut wieder auf.

REGENINE UND ALPHA HYDROXY SÄUREN Einschließlich Wein-, Zitronen und Apfelsäure. Sie zerlegen und lösen abgestorbene Hautzellen auf, verbessern den Zellstoffwechsel und begünstigen die Erneuerung der Hautzellen ohne unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen. Das Resultat ist ein ebenmäßiger und strahlender Teint.

MILCHSÄURE Löst den “Klebstoff” zwischen den Hautzellen, indem sie sie langsam löst und
eine neuere, gesündere Haut darunter freilegt. Sie reduziert Fältchen, verbessert die Farbe und Beschaffenheit der Haut, lässt Pigemente und Narben verblassen und reguliert den Fettgehalt der Haut und die Entstehung von Mitessern.

Ingredients: Aqua/[Water]* / Propanediol** / Lactobacillus/Papaya Fruit Ferment Extract / Tapioca Starch / Glycerin / Betaine / Morinda Citrifolia Fruit Extract / Polyquaternium-37 / Lactic Acid / Leontopodium Alpinum Meristem Cell Culture / Hydrolyzed Grape Fruit/[Hydrolyzed Grape Skin] / Hydrolyzed Wheat Bran / Pyrus Malus Fruit Extract/[Pyrus Malus (Apple) Fruit Extract] / Tartaric Acid / Citrus Limon Fruit Extract/[Citrus Medica Limonum Extract] / Lonicera Caprifolium Flower Extract/[Lonicera Caprifolium (Honeysuckle) Flower Extract] / Lonicera Japonica Flower Extract/[Lonicera Japonica (Honeysuckle) Flower Extract] / Parfum/[Fragrance]*** / Sodium Lactate / Citric Acid / Sodium Anisate / Sodium Benzoate / Potassium Sorbate / Xanthan Gum

* Swiss Alpine Crystallised Light Water **natural extract of corn origin *** <0.5%

Das Herzstück eines jeden Elixseri-Serums ist unsere exklusive Bio-Regenerative Technologie.
BRGT™ ist eine Verbindung von patentiertem Light Water, prebiotischen Fruchtfermenten und innovativen Pflanzenstammzellen. Sie wurde entwickelt, um ein ausgewogenes Mikrobiom und eine bessere Hautgesundheit zu unterstützen und zu fördern, den Alterungsprozess zu verlangsamen, den Zellstoffwechsel wieder anzuregen und die Regenerations- und Schutzfunktionen der Haut zu stärken.

Innerhalb von 30 Tagen
Die Haut erscheint reiner, klarer und glatter. Der Teint ist strahlend und gleichmäßiger, mit weniger Pigmentierung und reduzierten braunen Flecken sowie verfeinerten Poren. Die Hautregeneration und Zellerneuerung werden verbessert. Alle anderen Produkte können besser in die Haut eindringen und Ihnen mehr sichtbare Resultate liefern.

100% der Anwender*innen bemerkten, dass ihre Haut mehr Feuchtigkeit enhält, 83% stellten eine straffere und jünger aussehende Haut fest. (Die Ergebnisse basieren auf Blindtests, die Elixseri 30 Tage lang an einer Verbraucherfokusgruppe von über 100 Personen durchgeführt hat).

Gewicht 0.250 g

30ml e 1 Fl. Oz.


Preisgekrönte Nachtpflege und Peeling-Serum.

Product Type

Anti-Aging-Serum, Nacht-Serum, Peeling-Serum

Skin Type

Fettige Haut, Mischhaut, Normale Haut, Reife Haut, Teenager-Haut, Trockene Haut


Fahle Haut, Linien / Falten, Trockene Haut / Dehydrierung

32 Bewertungen für Opening Act

  1. Laura (Verifizierter Besitzer)

    Ma peau est bien exfoliée et mon teint beaucoup plus éclatante. Mes imperfections ont également diminué.

  2. Priscilla (Verifizierter Besitzer)

    En voici deux pour votre visage et votre cou bien sûr, à ne jamais oublier. Je teste depuis quelques semaines deux sérums de la marque Elixseri. Quelques gouttes suffisent et le résultat est probant ! L’Opening Act est un exfoliant à appliquer le soir avant de se coucher, à utiliser 1 à 2 fois par semaine. Il agit pendant le sommeil pour éliminer les cellules mortes et l’accumulation de résidus d’autres produits. Quant au sérum Firm Conviction que j’utilise le matin, c’est un sérum léger et absorbant qui procure un effet raffermissant et resserrant instantané. Leur parfum est discret et leur texture est très agréable. Les flacons sont sublimes et très qualitatifs. Je trouve ma peau plus belle, plus lisse et plus dense depuis que j’utilise ces sérums.

  3. Stéphanie

    Dans mes premiers ressentis, au niveau sensoriel on est pas dans les odeurs ainsi que les textures odorantes et crémeuses mais franchement j’ai été bluffé par les résultats obtenus (par Opening Act et Smooth Player) en si peu de temps: ma peau était plus lisse plus nette et mon teint plus lumineux.


  4. LH

    Je trouve le flacon du sérum très élégant et pratique (en plus aucune perdition donc aucun gâchis). Le soir, sur ma peau propre, j’applique 2 à 3 gouttes du sérum, en lissant mon visage (convient aussi au cou et décolleté). J’attends 5 minutes avant d’appliquer mes soins hydratants du soir avant d’aller me coucher. Le matin, la peau est toute lisse et soyeuse. Je nettoie mon visage au réveil (ou vous pouvez passer une petite lotion) et hop c’est parti pour ma routine soins. Je l’utilise depuis bientôt 2 mois maintenant, 2 fois par semaine et j’en suis ravie !

  5. Noni Sanders

    I recently started using Firm Conviction and Opening Act and can not tell you how brilliant they are – it is so rare that I use a beauty product where I see instant results and these have now become essential to my skincare routine. I have never found anything else that makes my skin feel so good but also so healthy at the same time. The science behind Elixseri is fascinatingly clever and I am so pleased I have found their fabulous products! Worth every penny!

  6. Suzanne

    You know when a product is great when you start using it, dutifully applying it 2-3 times a week as instructed. You get on with life and sort of forget about it then one day (for me two weeks in) you look in the mirror and your reflection stops you in your tracks – why do I look fresher, healthier and glowier? How can this be?! Ah, it must that new serum I’m using. That’s my kinda product, results that are plain to see even in the cold light of day.

  7. Anna


    The look, fragrance and consistency of the serums are super. I was particularly impressed by the fact that only one drop of serum creates such a great feeling on the skin. The skin feels and looks really fresh. I can only recommend Elixseri, my skin has really improved significantly. (translated from the original German)

  8. Gabi


    Even the first impression of the products is great. The bottles are very handy and the scent is super pleasant. The products leave a very nice feeling on the skin. After four weeks of use, my skin was better moisturised and looked healthier. My problem areas – cracked, rough skin – have definitely improved. In general, the skin is no longer so rough and feels smoother and softer.
    (translated from original German)

  9. Karin

    I was positively surprised not only by the beautiful, handy bottle and the pleasantly discreet fragrance, but also by the fact that my sensitive skin tolerated the serums of Elixseri very well. After four weeks of use my skin was fresher, smoother and really well moisturised. It also felt firmer and the wrinkles were reduced.(translated from the original German)

  10. Lulu


    I love the Elixeri Serums as they are light, absorbent and most importantly, they are natural. Opening Act is the most effective and gentlest exfoliator I’ve used to date. Plus it leaves my skin looking fresh and radiant – unlike those heavy scrubs and acid exfoliators which cause my skin to go red and break out in rashes. Highly recommended.

  11. Cindy

    I find the serums of Elixseri very good. My skin is now not so dry and does not tighten. I couldn’t see any difference in the wrinkles, but the skin feels softer. It’s great that the products have a good smell, because that’s very important to me personally when it comes to cosmetics.

  12. Virginie


    My skin can no longer do without these serums, my skin is more radiant and I look much younger. (translated from original french)

  13. Marie

    Elixseri’s products (Opening Act, Rescue Diver and Firm Conviction) fit very well in the hand and are very easy to use because the consistency in the dispenser is super. They are easy to spread and can hardly be felt on the skin. However, I needed four pumps of the serums for face and neck. Nevertheless: My neck, my main problem zone regarding slack skin, seems to have become a little firmer. Firm Conviction has given my skin a beautiful, matt appearance and the pores appear finer. I will buy the serums again, because the firmness of my skin has changed noticeably.

  14. Katie


    I’m using it with great results. Highly recommended.

  15. Alexia

    This is the gentlest exfoliator I’ve ever tested. I have very sensitive skin and I can use it every other day. My skin is softer, smoother, but above all more radiant without accentuating my redness. I recommend it to those with sensitive skin. (translated from original French)

  16. Guest


    Use two to three times a week to exfoliate and regenerate, followed by Skin Meditation, a real miracle. (translated from original French)

  17. Stephanie


    I apply this serum 3 nights and my skin looks immediately more bright and more smooth. You can see the difference!

  18. Orla


    This range is amazing. You really should look no further and invest in these products. I am using opening act and rescue driver as my go to. I use very little else since I saw a recommendation for these serums and I am now a recommender and advocate.

  19. Myriam

    I am delighted with the state of my skin. It is much brighter, no more tightness and I also feel it is much more toned.
    My skin feels much better and looks better and better. (Translated from original French)

  20. nubianwoman69


    What a delightful journey I have been on with @elixseri. I am loving the energised “skin I am in”. My face appears fresher, clearer and firmer event the pigmentation on my cheeks is fading and I no longer hide it with blusher.

  21. Beryl


    I have been following Elixseri’s advice for my skin and have been using their serums for almost a year.
    Three times a week, Opening Act in the evening, and after 5 minutes Skin Meditation. The next morning my skin is more beautiful.
    In the morning Firm conviction then my day cream.
    Even my beautician says my skin is beautiful.
    Since I have been using the Elixseri serums, my skin has been rejuvenated. I never use foundation anymore, just a sun powder. I am delighted with these serums and highly recommend them. (Translated from original French)

  22. Alison

    Good ingredients and used the product as instructed. I didn’t notice any change in my skin after 30 days. I ended up getting a more spots. Stopped using after 45 days and my skin is better now. Perhaps one or more of the ingredients didn’t agree with me

  23. Fany


    I have discovered the Elixseri serums a few months ago and have seen their fantastic results on my skin. Can’t stop using them!

  24. Very happy customer


    There is no doubt for me that Opening Act, Rescue Driver and Smooth Player are my great hereos when it comes to different skin issues like e.g. acne, hyperpigmentation and dull skin. Although using the products only 6 weeks my skin undertook an incredible transformation and is now looking healthy, glowy without pimples, redness and dark spots!

    THANKS to the wonderful and unique Elixeri team for the support so far, as a customer you are really feeling like a queen / king (not self-evident today) and moreover for the development of such great serums! You really need to give these serums a try, they will not disappoint you!

  25. Tanya


    I am so loyal to this range. I use one or two serums everyday, often layering them instead of using cream. Opening Act keeps my skin looking clean and fresh and I really feel like it boosts all the other serums too. Rescue Diver is an amazing hydrating serum and Firm Conviction really makes my skin feel tight and firmer.

  26. Dani

    I’M A FAN

    Skin Meditation + Opening Act helped me a lot to balance my adult acne 🙂 I’m a fan!

  27. Anne


    After 2 months of use (3 times a week as advised!) my ‘sun marks’ have really shrunk and some skin tags have dropped. Very impressed!

  28. Rachel

    IT WORKS ….

    I have started using both this serum and Rescue Diver. I’m 46 and it’s great to find a product that actually works for once.

  29. Nicky


    I am often on building sites and my skin needs regular exfoliation and a deep clean. This has done the trick. Everyone says how great my skin looks.

  30. Maja Flachsmann


    I love this product. Just had to let you know that two of my colleagues complimented me on my skin looking fresh and clear, after I was using Opening Act. I will carry on.

  31. Theresa


    This product is great. It goes on very easily. It tingled my eyes because I got it too close, but it was not that uncomfortable. My skin was so smooth and my pores were nice and tight. I kept using it all week and my skin just got better and better. Love it. And love that this is natural.

  32. Alice


    Thank you so much for letting me be one of the 1st people to test Opening Act. The effect is amazing. At 1st I had a mild break-out but after that I started seeing results and now I’m in love with this serum!

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